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Airports near Franciscan Inn Motel

Franciscan Inn Motel offers close proximity to the following airports:

McClellan-Palomar Airport

5.25 miles away

McClellan-Palomar Airport is a busy airport that has seen a lot of growth in recent years. With its convenient location just north of San Diego and its excellent access to the surrounding areas, it's no wonder that this airport is seeing so much activity.

One of the best ways to see what McClellan-Palomar Airport has to offer is to take a look at its Vista. This interactive map lets you explore the airport's various facilities and attractions in detail. You can also use the Vista to plan your trip, find out about current traffic conditions, and learn about McClellan-Palomar Airport's history and future.

The Vista is a great way to get a sense of what makes McClellan-Palomar Airport such a popular destination. If you're looking for a bit of adventure, be sure to check out the Flight Simulator Experience – one of the airport's most popular attractions. Or if you just want to take some pictures, head over to the photo gallery.

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Franciscan Inn Motel

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